Thai in mookata

Mu kratha is a Southeast Asian cooking method, originated from Thailand. In Singapore and Malaysia, it is known as Mookata. It is a mixture of a Korean barbeque and a Chinese hot pot. However, the Thai version uses charcoal. Mookata has been spread across Singapore and Malaysia lately. If this sounds like something you would want to try out, thai in mookata is the place that I'm going to recommend to you if you 're still in the midst of looking for places to go for mookata in Kuala Lumpur.

Front of the menu

Back of the menu

Basically, Thai-In’s menu made up of Set A(RM49.90)Set B(RM59.90). Each of these sets contain refillable Kangkung, Cabbage and Glass Noodle/Vermicelli while crab stick, fishball and japanese tofu are non-refillable. The main dish of these sets are their Signature Pork Slices. Set A (RM38) has 3 plates of pork slices while Set B (RM48) has 5 plates which make it more worth it if you go for Set B , extra 2 plates of pork slices that each worth RM9 ala cart (refer to the bottom right corner of Menu 1).However, if you want to add on with something else, there is an ala carte menu for you to choose from. 

This is what set A looks like

This is how mookata bbq look like

Trust me, this is the best BBQ pork I have tasted so far with such an affordable price. The grilled pork belly has an equal proportionate of fats. They were crispy and mouth-watering after grilled. However, if you do not favor Black Pepper’s pork slice, you can request them to change it to their signature pork slice.

Special made chilli

Besides the pork slices, you should visit this restaurant for its chili. To be frank, I am not a spicy food lover but this appetizing chili here is something that make me definitely will return again. The piquant yet addictive homemade chili is the best companion to be eaten with the glass noodle. Never miss out their chili if you were to visit here!

Signature thai iced milk tea-RM8 Big

One of the most popular cold beverages in Thailand is none other than Thai Milk Tea, or better known as cha yen (ชาเย็น). What makes an irresistible Thai Milk Tea is the thick and sweetened condensed milk coupled with strongly brewed Ceylon tea or Assam tea (bai miang). This is the drink that I would order everytime I visit Thai in.

It is better for you to make a call for reservation before you visit Thai In.

  • Operating Hour: Everyday 6PM to 12AM.

  • Contact Number : 03-41317128

  • Facebook page :


  1. Wahh so many people, go tiger show ah?

  2. I miss Mookata!! I love the pork belly slice match with tomyam soup

  3. The food seems good and tempting!! thanks for sharing!!

  4. Nice Thai Mookata! Miss their Milk Tea!

  5. Thai milk tea is the best!

  6. My friend's hometown food and i love it🥰

  7. Wow! Didn’t know have this place

  8. Been there before, good food with cheap price

  9. Looks yummy, added to my dinner list

  10. The mookata bbq really looks like mookata bbq


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